15142460273_935418fd64_kAfter taking a well needed break from training and competition in September I decided to head to Boston for a change in scenery and to join a group there for a 5 week base of training. Leaving Nick and my home behind is never easy but I like to think of it as stepping outside my comfort zone.

Although most of the athletes in the group are a lot younger than me I feel I have gained not just in fitness but also a fresh outlook and approach to the season ahead. The team are full of positivity and eagerness to perform at their best, they are what the author Andy Cope refers to as “2%ers”. I think the world would be a better place if there were more 2%ers in it. The thing is we could all be in that bracket if we just changed our attitudes.

Last year Nick recommended I read a book he’d just finished called “The Art of Being Brilliant” by Andy Cope. I’m not one for self help books but this is a little different. It’s a short book full of wacky illustrations and has a quirkiness about it that makes it so easy to read. It has become my go to when I need a little inspiration or positivity be it in running or life in general. If you’re looking to become successful in whatever it is you do there is something in this book for you to help you be the best you can be!

Perhaps you just want to be a little happier?

I know that is a cliche these days but I think we can all be brilliant at what we do. There are 6 basic points according to Andy Cope to being brilliant (or being a 2%er)….and I’ve attempted to interpret and implement them in way which helps me.

1. Choose to be positive
This one is pretty obvious so have that glass half full instead of half empty…

2. Know your impact
I was in the supermarket when I heard a lady say” I’d like some mushrooms but there aren’t any!” I found her rude and she wasn’t even speaking to me. What a different conversation it would have been if she’d said something like, “hi there would it be possible to get some mushrooms please, there aren’t any left…thanks!”. So it’s not life threatening but someone’s day can be made or broken by one conversion or action. Make it a good day.

3. Take personal responsibility
It’s always easier to blame somebody or something else when it doesn’t go to plan but only we ourselves can make things happen.

4. Have Bouncebackability
So you’ve a bad day at work or don’t run well, get it out of your system and move on. Fact : life isn’t fair, so when life gives you lemons, make lemonade…

5. Set HUGE goals
Another self explanatory point. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.

6. Play to your strengths
We can’t all sing well or run a sub 4 minute mile but we all have something we are good at so do it well and be proud about it!

That was a taster of the book but I highly recommend you read it for yourself and maybe you could be a 2%er too.