

About Sonia

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So far Sonia has created 93 blog entries.

Work hard in silence (for almost ¼ of a century), let success be your noise

By | April 26th, 2016|General Updates, Racing|

Working hard in silence It was in 1992 when I watched my first Olympic Games on TV that I caught the running bug. I joined my local club and announced to my family that I was going to become an Olympian one day....24 years later and I'm living that very dream. Whether anyone [...]

BBC Breakfast Interview post London Marathon

By | April 25th, 2016|General Updates, In the press, Videos|

Here's my interview with Dan Walker and Sally Nugent after the 2016 London Marathon and fulfilling the Rio Olympics selection criteria. Plus some added comedy commentary from my young nephew :)

Murcia warm weather training

By | April 16th, 2016|All Categories, Galleries, General Updates, Training|

When the British weather gives you lemons, head for the Spanish lemon groves! Murcia has some amazing variety of running trails and some perfect bike paths for those all important long marathon tempo efforts. Plus the weather is great!

Albuquerque 2016

By | March 21st, 2016|All Categories, Galleries, General Updates, Training|

After a brief spell back in Loughborough it was time to head over the pond to Albuquerque, the land of enchantment. Located along the muddy Rio Grande, Albuquerque is framed by the rugged 10,000 ft Sandia Mountains to the east and a wide volcanic escarpment to the west. The Paseo del Bosque is an impressive [...]

Gate River Run, 2016 Gallery

By | March 19th, 2016|Galleries, General Updates, Racing|

On the way back to the UK we made a stop in Jacksonville to compete in the River Gate Run. First time to Florida state and a little disappointed not to see any live alligators but there was plenty of racing action. Here are a few pics. Hot out there!

Big up your veg!

By | February 7th, 2016|Food 4 sport|

Clockwise from left: Roast butternut salad with basil Hummus, my homegrown purple carrots - eat as wide variety as possible of veg, summer radish and carrot salad with tahini dressing, my fave Tahini product It’s often at this time of year when the nights are still dark and Christmas is a distant memory [...]

Team Samuels

By | February 3rd, 2016|General Updates, Training|

The amazing dirt trails of Iten I'm really lucky to be part of the altitude training camp here in Kenya thanks to the London Marathon Endurance Initiative & British Athletics.  I like nothing more than escaping the British winter to enjoy training in the Kenyan sunshine. However, it can be hard to leave [...]

Spicy Mackerel, Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes and Peas

By | February 3rd, 2016|Food 4 sport|

Spicy mackerel, cauliflower, sweet potato and peas - perfect after a long winters run It's the time of year when many marathon runners are gearing up for Spring races. This often means running a lot of miles on wet, windy, dark nights. I'm unsure if we've had significantly more of these storms this [...]

Banaca Boost Recovery Shake

By | February 1st, 2016|Food 4 sport|

Banaca Boost recovery shake - my staple protein shake when training in Kenya I've been incredibly fortunate to spend another winter in Iten, Kenya whist I prepare for the competition season later in the year. Logging many miles out here is tough, yet very rewarding, with lots of hills and undulating trails that snake across [...]

Kenya believe it

By | January 31st, 2016|Galleries, General Updates|

I feel very lucky to have been able to come to train in Kenya during the past few British winters whilst I prepare for the competition season. Here are a few pics of running on the famous dirt trails of Iten


By | December 22nd, 2015|General Updates, Racing, Training|

Gold medal winning team at the Euro XC 2015 2015 has been a great year for me and those supporting and coaching me. I started out with becoming British Champion at the London Marathon in April and followed that up with a big PB in Berlin Marathon in September. Then finally finishing the [...]

Chia-mpion Pudding

By | December 20th, 2015|Food 4 sport|

Chia-mpion pudding Myprotein Organic Chia Seeds have so many health benefits that are essential for endurance athletes who are training hard. They are one of the world’s oldest sources of nutrition, documented to have been eaten by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans as early as 3500BC and even used for medicinal purposes. If [...]