Monthly Archives: August 2011


Pre-Marathon training camp, Font Romeu

By | August 28th, 2011|All Categories, Galleries, General Updates, Training|

Just spent the last month in awesome surroundings and great weather in preparation for my Marathon debut. Here are some of the best moments...

Font Romeu

By | August 16th, 2011|All Categories, General Updates|

After finishing my track season at the UK Champs in Birmingham I set off for some altitude training in the Pyrenees. Font Romeu is such an inspiring place to run with magnificent views and a chance to rest and recover between training runs. I am hoping to do my marathon debut in September so my [...]

Schools Out!

By | August 16th, 2011|All Categories|

We have finally reached the end of the school year, which is a relief for most teachers as they can finally relax for a couple of weeks and recharge their batteries. For me however, the end of term was a time of mixed emotions. After taking the difficult decision to take a year out from [...]